
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Core of Responsive Web Design that Spell ‘Success’ for Businesses

Popularity of responsive web design has sky-rocketed since 2015, when Google announced its AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) policy. By virtue of this strategy, responsive and mobile-friendly websites enjoy greater importance on Google search results. But the history of RWD or responsive web design goes way back. In a way the elements of responsive design were introduced for the first time in 2002, when a website was launched with a unique layout that could adapt to the viewport width of different browsers. Since then the approach to web design changed drastically, mentions designers working at a renowned web design company in London . Technology behind responsive website has improved further over the years. In fact, it is still evolving drastically almost every day. Nowadays, responsive design is synonymous to designing for a large number of varied screen sizes. The term responsive web design was coined in 2010 by a freelance web developer. Interestingly, an ever-increasing